Watermark Images

Kathy Johnson, co-owner of Rendezvous Dive Adventures, has been photographing the natural beauty of Vancouver Island’s west coast for over a decade.  Her photos have been sold to a variety of organizations such as Canada’s Dept of Fisheries and Oceans, featured on websites such as Pacific Northwest Diver, and published on the cover of Northwest Dive News magazine.

She was looking for a website to showcase her work, so we created a simple portfolio website to which she could easily upload additional photos.

After several years, the original website, while functional, was beginning to look a little ‘dated’. It was a great opportunity to update the site with a modern new look AND make it mobile-friendly. Bonus – it’s also easier for her to add her photos to the website.

The updated website is VERY nice – thank you! – Kathy Johnson, Watermark Images


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October 18, 2012

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