Kimberley Law – Registered Psychologist

Kimberley Law is an experienced psychologist, and was interested in attracting new clients. Her existing website was, well, not helping matters. She approached me about creating a new one. We got clear on who her target market was, and what services she was offering to them; designed a new logo, and website, and business cards. Within a few weeks she started getting calls from prospective clients who had seen her website.

Conveniently, the website was implemented in a mobile-friendly manner, just in time for Google’s latest algorithm-update, on April 21 2015:
Starting April 21, we will be expanding our use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal. This change will affect mobile searches in all languages worldwide and will have a significant impact in our search results. Consequently, users will find it easier to get relevant, high quality search results that are optimized for their devices.

Michele’s awesome!!!

I’m not technically savvy, so years ago when I realized I needed to have a website, I paid someone to do it for me. Although it looked respectable enough, in the end it really didn’t fit me – too much direct marketing, among other things. When I finally decided to scrap it and create a whole new website, Michele actually listened to what I had to say, was patient with both my inexperience and my numerous changes.. The end result is that I finally have a website that I really like. And it works! New clients are finding their way to me through my lovely new website – Thanks Michele!

Kimberley Law, Registered Psychologist

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